AutoMine ® Underground

AutoMine ® Underground is an automated system for a variety of sandvik sandvik and Underground equipment automation and remote operation.It provides a safe and controllable environment, can improve the efficiency of mining production and profit margins, and protect the operator and other underground mining safety of staff.

Used for loading and handling AUTOMINE ® UNDERGROUND

Used for loading and handling AutoMine ® UG is an automation system, can be used for a variety of sandvik automation and remote operation of scraper machine and the truck.This automation system applicable scope is very broad, from a single equipment remote or independent operation, multiple machines to control and which has the function of automatic task and traffic control equipment automation.

Sandvik AutoMine for Trucks

The power of automation - take you go further

Truck with AutoMine ® will the intelligence of sandvik mining truck into a can continue to run unattended operation of the robot.Now include OptiMine ® connection, upgrade the access control system (for more flexibility), and other new features, and the independent production cycle of truck fleet from underground to ground unloading;They are safer, more efficient, and lower the cost per ton.

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