OptiMine ® analysis

Converts the data to a feasible ideas

OptiMine ® Analytics, transforms the data from mining, operations into actionable predictive insights, helping you optimize the full mining, the process. The OptiMine ® analysis by IBM Watson IoT (a set of artificial intelligence (AI) services, applications, and tools) to provide support.The dashboard combine real-time data from a variety of resources, to calculate the overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and to determine the possible loss of time.With predictive analytics, major components failures are predicted.

The Location - -based Analytics is an advanced capability that allows you to quickly identify the operational bottlenecks and problem areas in your operations.


  • Improve safety and efficiency through the visibility of your underground mining, operations
  • Data from the mining operations into feasible predictive views.To determine the current operation pain points and bottlenecks, in order to improve the overall equipment efficiency and productivity
    • To predict and monitor compliance and performance maintenance downtime, thus improve the fleet life cycle efficiency
    • Used to repeating the bottleneck insights to raise the utilization ratio of frequency
    • Through ascension operator ability to improve the quality of production
  • Integration of sandvik global fleet and the data in the equipment engineering knowledge, achieve accurate prediction
  • With the help of improving management experts, we help you realize the digital mining operations

Solid Ground online

Digital underground

November 21, 2018OptiMine Analytics USES predictive modelling technology to process overall equipment efficiency and...

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Analytics drive process improvements

August 2, 2018OptiMine Analytics USES data - driven simulations to improve planning and optimize the processes.

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The evolution of automation

March 27, 20183 d Mine Visualizer and the Drill Plan Visualizer are the latest Sandvik OptiMine offerings that are...

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